Invisible Kate

Crazy, random, dreaming, tough, dark, wandering, invisible, introvert, feminist, imaginative, strong, determined, insane, me.

About me

Feeling- The current mood of at

September 2003








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random entry?

<~6:41 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 17, 2002~>

About me

About Me

Survey 1

Name:Kathleen, Katie, Invisible Kate

Nicknames:Bobert, lil Katie, Kaffiene, Kuddles, Samara, Lairerana...

Age currently:16

DOB:April 22nd, 1987

hair and eye color: brown with a redish-light brown tint from when i hadta dye it to cover up the blue. Curse my school, they wont let me have blue hair. My eyes are a blue green, depending on the light and my outfit.

Location:Somewhere near Philly...

School status: sophomore :P

Pets: I have a 4 year old fatty black lab named Shadow. Oh how original I was in naming her. If I were to name her now it would probably be something insane and random, like Yilliate the contagious moose. meep.

Piercings: just 1 in each ear

Tattoos: i dont have any right now, but im kinda on the edge for this subject. I might want to get one someday, im just not sure what it would be of. I do have a centipede shaped scar on my back from third grade when i hadta have an operation to remove a cist.

How much do you love your job?: What, you actually expect me to have a job??

Guys you think are hot: Rufo of course ;)

Favorite color(s): green and black

Favorite clothes: I guess my favorite outfit includes my black bondage pants and red and black pirate fishnet shirt.

Nail polish: my usual, black.

Lucky number: 17

Famous person you would like to have dinner with: i normally dont like famous people that much but maybe some phillies people like Lieby.

Favorite foods: ice cream? tacos?

Been to Africa? umm... nope

Care about someone so much it made you cry?: yes :| even tho i dont like to admit it.

Been in a car accident?: a couple fender benders

Croutons or Bacon Bits?: neither...

Sprite or 7-Up?: Choffee! or Gatorade! (red, the blood of angry men...)

Favorite Artists: like... painting? umm well i think my dog is awfully talented with the floor as her canvas.

Favorite Music Artists/groups: I like rock and a bunch of random stuff, but my favorite band is Metallica, though I also like Audioslave, A perfect circle, Jimmy Buffett and Evanescence. (And i dont care if anyone thinks they are posers. Some of their songs are rather poppy, but others i enjoy.)

Favorite Movie: Gladiator, The Matrix, The Lord of the Rings, The Ring, Forrest Gump, and The Perfect Storm

Favorite Season: Summer

Favorite holiday?: Christmas

Favorite day of the week?: Saturday

Favorite word or phrase?: I have too many weird phrases and inside jokes and words for my language to keep track but some are Grr Plushie, Phish Calel, dejesecluless, rasco, Vespucci, :~) (my smiley, dont take the squiggle!!! Tis mine) and oh yeah i have a carnivorous slug and radioactive jello blaster.

Favorite Restaurant: O'Malley's Ice cream pub downtown!

Favorite Flowers: honeysuckle, white lilies, and white roses

Favorite Drink: SOBE!

Favorite Sport: To play: soccer. To watch: baseball

Favorite type of ice cream: French vanilla with choc syrup and choc sprinkles and a cherry

Disney or Warner Bros.?: Disnet

Favorite fast food restaurant: KFC, even if the chicken is mutated.

What is the color of your bedroom carpet?: teal~ ^^ i picked it when we got the new house

Which single store would you choose to max out your credit card? one?? Hot Topic I guess, even though its become the new store of posers. I'm almost embarrassed to shop there anymore, I need a new source of clothes.

What do you do most often when you are bored?: go online, chat, check email, write pointless stuff in this here blog, and make up weird words and phrases.

Most annoying question people ask you?: People dont really ask me annoying questions. But what bugs me is when friends of friends of friends constantly im me pointless junk when im trying to have an actual conversation with a real friend. That pisses me off. That and when ppl tell u to unblock them. Thats so stupid, dont they get it that u dont wanna talk to them? Especially if they are a friend of a friend of a friend who u blocked.

Bedtime: My dad made this rule thingum that im supposed to be in bed by midnight but i have not yet done that once. I'd say my average bedtime is 1:30.

Favorite TV show:I dont really watch tv that much but i love the Phillies!!!! Of course during the off season i dont have nething to watch but villanova basketball games occasionally. I also enjoy Whose line is it anyway and that weird extreme show about ppl falling off buildings and junk, Max X! The announcer is so funny, and he says dude! The only problem is that its only on once a week, 1 am on Saturday mornings... UPDATE- The most extreme elimination challenge beats all!!

Favorite composer(s): whoever wrote the Les Miz music

Favorite childhood memory: Glarg, dont go and get me all sad and sentimental, I dont wanna grow up! I guess my favorite days were those warm summer days just hanging outside with all the neighborhood kids, riding bikes, playing tag and wallball, and then walking to O'Malleys and catching fireflies.... ahhh nostalgia....

Favorite type of music: Rock, metal... whatever i like. Oh yeah Jimmy Buffet too.

Favorite retro video game: I know its not retro but i loved Zelda and Mario Kart for N64.

Favorite Disney movie: Sleeping Beauty

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: nope... thats just not really a good thing to think about

Favorite book(s): The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lioness series by Tamora Pierce, The Hobbit, Harry Potter books, Eden Close, The Catcher in the Rye

Me in a nutshell: I dont fit into a nutshell. You'll haveta figure out that one by yourself.

Survey 2

if i were a month i'd be: June, summertime! or April, lots of rain
if i were a day of the week i'd be: Saturday, when all the fun stuff happens
if i were a time of day i'd be: 2 am. I'm a Night owl and its craziest then. And great ideas.
if i were a planet i'd be: Neptune! Blue-green and windy, violently cold, and far away.
if i were a sea animal i'd be: a giant squid. or simply an octopus. They can change color :~)
if i were a direction i'd be: northeast. dunno why, i like it tho.
if i were a piece of furniture i'd be: a sofa bed. Comfy and versatile ^^
if i were a sin i'd be: pride!
if i were a historical figure i'd be: Joan of Arc
if i were a liquid i'd be: blood.
if i were a tree, i'd be: a good climbing tree, thats nice and tall.
if i were a bird, i'd be: an emu
if i were a tool, i'd be: i know its not a tool really, but nails. thats what my dad always called me.
if i were a flower/plant i'd be: honeysuckle, a summer scent
if i were a kind of weather, i'd be: a thunderstorm. one of those closeby ones where the power goes out and the lightning forks and thunder cracks. I love them. Going out on the porch and simply watching...
if i were a mythical creature, i'd be: a dragon or an elf, hard to decide
if i were a musical instrument, i'd be: some kind of drums
if i were an animal, i'd be: a wolf.
if i were an emotion, i'd be: curiousity... you know u want to find out ^^
if i were a vegetable, i'd be: carrots. eh, whats up doc?
if i were a sound, i'd be: meep. (easily shocked, easily amused.)
if i were an element, id be: oxygen. everyone needs it, and you need it for water. or in the fire/air/water/earth/ version, id be water. or earth, i could never decide between those 2.
if i were a car, i'd be: a green sports car of some sort.
if i were a song, i'd be: Sanitarium or the macaroni song
if i were a movie, i'd be:the ring!!! Gotta love samara. and the creepiness, and how it all pieces together. plus if you look close enough everythings in dark and dull colors, no red or orange or anything.
if i were a book, i'd be: The Lord of the Rings. Legendary, intricate, profound, touching, fantasy....
if i were a food, i'd be: winterfresh. minty fresh
if i were a place, i'd be: i like my hometown media a lot myself. id say the neighborhood around 4th st.
if i were a material, i'd be: wool. theres not too many choices, are there?
if i were a taste, i'd be: sugary, so one can become sugar high! muahaha
if i were a scent, i'd be: the smell of a summer night, when theres not too many clouds and the fireflies are out
if i were a religion, i'd be: catholic, i spose, cuz thats what i am.
if i were a word, i'd be: invisible. yup.
if i were an object, i'd be: a pen with black ink, the liquidy kind, to simply write.
if i were a body part i'd be: eyes, so deep....
if i were a facial expression i'd be: the eye roll.
if i were a subject in school i'd be: literature, even tho they encorporate grammer now
if i were a cartoon character i'd be: Daggit! from the angry beavers, if u didnt know. hes weird, has an uncanny ability to mispronounce words, is mistrustful, and has the best imagination ever.
if i were a shape i'd be: an irregular pentagon. yup. I guess its cuz u dont see many of them. that or a kite.
if i were a number i'd be: negative 1, for no reason other than i like it. and cuz it rocks to be one, but in the quest of being individual you may not be one, but negative one. or something. yeah.
if i were a pattern i'd be: polka dots. green and black.

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