Invisible Kate

Crazy, random, dreaming, tough, dark, wandering, invisible, introvert, feminist, imaginative, strong, determined, insane, me.

About me

Feeling- The current mood of at

September 2003








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<~4:29 pm on Wednesday, May. 15, 2002~>

Balcony oddities

Once again I am at la biblioteca. Its extremely hot and I'm sure the people around must think I am disgusting. I just finished running for 20 minutes but I think I ran a bit too quickly, it was supposed to be light. What made it worse was that I was circling the town courthouse, and the clock there was wrong, so it made me think i was never gonna finish. Oh well. Much better today than tomorrow.

Mental note- Tori has orchestra on Wednesdays!!! She wont be back til around 5, and now i feel like im wasting my time waiting around because I have the stupid parade of athletes tonight from 7 til who knows when. And we haveta wear our sweaters! Aahh, the indignity of it all.

Lets see, what is there to blab about... Nothing really happend in school today. It was just a boring day. Boring 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th period. The only thing even slightly out of the ordinary that happened was that we watched some more of Romeo and Juliet on tv in english. We were at the balcony scene, where they drone on and on about how they love each other and are gonna marry even though they just met yesterday. Gosh. And they say kids these days are fickle. And they use all these weird words, like "hither" and "yonder" and "doth". It actually would be kinda funny if I could use those words well. I could just imagine having nonsense conversations with some friends. Hehe. It almost reminds my of the bible in a way, cept for in the movie Romeo and Juliet kept french, or should I say, Veronian kissing. Eww. Our whole immature class started silently chuckling at that point.

Incoherent rambling with nonsense words + constant kissing= breakdown of the "intelligent" (ha) 1st track freshman. While I am on the subject I might as well continue to stereotype Shakespeare's masterpiece. I wouldn't mind it so much if we didnt haveta meticulously study it down to the last detail. I must criticize Juliet's foolishness. I mean, what kind of idiot goes onto her balcony, and starts proclaiming out loud her love to Romeo, just ranting about him. As for Romeo, erm, I think he just needs to get a new wardrobe. Spandex pants for guys are not in.

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