Invisible Kate

Crazy, random, dreaming, tough, dark, wandering, invisible, introvert, feminist, imaginative, strong, determined, insane, me.

About me

Seeing- sisters chat room
Hearing- Master of puppets- Metallica
Wishing- I could go swimming
Feeling- The current mood of at

September 2003








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random entry?

<~6:35 pm on Thursday, May. 29, 2003~>

silent pains, shiny things, and somehow improperly balanced

I'll probably get distracted before finishing this as always, so if I do you have my permission to attack me with a log.

Last night I went over Lauren's house with Anna, and we were later accompanied by Michelle and Jen. Most of the time was spent signing yearbooks, getting henna tattoos and pigging out on Rita's water ice and ice cream. In the beginning Lauren and I were very preppy-cliched teenybopperish and pretended to fight over who was fatter, hahaha. Its pretty sad tho, i do need to start running again. 2 seasons of nothing is not helping my self esteem.

Lauren and I finalllyyy got to do our impression of our near death situation. Here's the scene:

Two girls, Lauren and Invisible-k8, are jogging down a quiet residential road for their track practice. A car is coming. (oh the excitement!)

Suddenly little miss squirrel dashes out in the middle of the street in some sort of performance of houdini-caliber skill or alzheimer's style of suicide. It runs out in front of the car, inches away from both they and it, and holds its ground almost too long. Just when they thought there would be either a deadly swurve or drenching in blood, the squirrel seems to recover its IQ and dives out of the way. The girls were only feet away from this nearly fatal situation. *gasp* Ohh the indignity of it all.

Soon after this occurred, Katie nearly tripped to her doom over a hockey stick.

Now that you are enlightened you will understand when I tell you we were on the floor laughing for many a minute. All while the chairs impersonating us remained silent and watchful.

Anywho, I got a henna tattoo of a rose on the back of my neck, which turned out quite nicely. However, I still have a stiff neck from having to sleep with masking tape on the back of it. Twas worth it in the end though, It would be funny for someone sitting behind me in school tmw to notice it in the middle of a random class tomorrow. "Ha! its a rose! and its on that quiet weird girls neck. Maybe she has sars."

Ok so I dont know why they'd say the last part, but who knows nowadays. Everyone has it.

Today was rather blah. I got to sleep in but for other than that, I almost wish we had school.

Actually I did a diverse amount I just was in a bad mood for most of it.

In the early hours (aka 12 to 2) were spent online, I finally got around to ordering my size of Galadriel's ring, Nenya. While the credit card was out I asked my mom and I got a Goldmembership! A supergold one actually, I have a bunch more features now that I'm still tinkering with. So Leave me a comment for this entry, or whichever, and try to ignore the beta look of it. i can also get stats, upload pictures, use banners, have extra fields, and more! Hahah I sound like I'm advertising for Andrew.

Anywho that gave me something to play with for awhile today. But eventually some quietly cold conversions left me feeling bad for going to the mall around 3. Urg I wish i could explain but i cant. Not here.

The mall was well, blah. I discovered my new favorite beverage however: the Strawberry Julius. It has that poignant strawberry flavor, mixed with some creamy vanillaness. Perfect summery drink, now i have something that must be attempted at the upcoming smoothie party.

After the mall came some more depressing convos online... I'm such an awful person sometimes and then i feel awful about it later... how I have hurt people but can't go back to change it, can't white out and make things better. So instead i sit by my computer desk, crying silent tears as i wish i could be invisible and stop all the hurt I spread...

I tried to escape that feeling but going to church just made me feel worse, like i shouldnt have been there. Afterwards we went to wawa so I got my fill of chocolate and watermelon. Timmy had the computer for awhile so I spent time doing homework *gasp*. Then I took one of my mind clearing bike rides downtown. I think these are the most therapudic. I feel a lot better after that, or at least during. I went to O'Malley's and bought 2 packs of winterfresh to continue the balance of yummy foods consumed in the past 24 hours.

After stashing up I went to the library and went back online... just 'cause im like that. It was comforting, much like the summer.. the quiet humm of the librarian looking up musicians, the amateurity of aim express, and the crisp taste of winterfresh. I need more escapes like these. Riding back home it felt cool, like there had just been a soft summer rain and the chills progress up your spine as you realize the misty twilight has come.

At home I worked on homework some more while watching the phillies die a brutal death to the Mets. Their games have been almost unbearable lately... the days they get 5 homers and 11 runs anf the day after when they get shutout.

Eventually I came back and talked more with Rufo and now I think things are a bit better. At least I think I'm feeling a little better now... still a bit confused and crappy and discombobulated, like something in my head isnt in the right place and I cant do anythign about it. But better than before. I probably should be in bed by now, the fact that we have school tomorrow never sunk in. Tata meldorenya. Cenuvan hiruvaly� mi olorinya...

PS- Snapple caps are so much fun! As instruments, frisbees,hats and price is right props.

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